Dear Antigua Sangha and All 17 March 2020
I hope you are keeping safe and not being around the island
and others more than you have to be.
Origionally we had thought it wise to stop meetings for now in WMC and Falmouth, but we've decided, for the time being, for those who would like to come together, we will do meetings this week and try and arrange the sittings so that people are more separated than usual and with plenty of ventilation (+ we might be able to sit outside).
But if you would prefer not to come we will do the teaching and discussion part online. So you could do the meditation at home and then join us at 6.15pm on Wednesday and 10.45am on Saturday.
To join online meetings you have to go to and download the Zoom file.
You can download to your computer (this would be best) and /or to your phone.
I will be sending the regulars a web link for the two meetings beforehand. When the time comes have your Zoom open and running and then click on the relevant link you will have received from me by email (note: I will be sending a first link for the Wednesday class and a second one for the Saturday class)
[If you have not been coming for a while but would like to join the Zoom meetings please email me and I will put you on the list]
So upcoming for this week we have:
Wednesday 18 March 5.30pm Dharma Evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth (or join us on Zoom at 6.15pm - see above)
Going through 5 steps to change from a calm abiding practice to an insight or wisdom practice
Saturday 21 March 10.00am Sangha Morning at Winters Medical Centre on Fort Road (or join us on Zoom at 10.45am)
Impermanence and last question and answer session
It's always best as a sangha to meet and meditate and practice together. But when you cant do that practicing at home and reading and reflecting is a good option. One good thing about Zoom is that it doesn't matter where you are, or where the teacher is, or other sangha members. You can all join in at the same time. So when and if I get to Ireland we can do online Zoom meetings every week. Yesterday we used this method and talked with sangha here as well as Lara in north Italy.
I was meant to be going to Montserrat on Thursday and doing teachings over two days there but that is not now possible: Antigua Coastguard will be intercepting any boats coming back from there. And I was to have been going to Trinidad at the end of the month but they've just closed their borders. I asked Rinpoche for his advice whether to stay here or go on retreat to my retreat house in Ireland and he's said that would be good. So I will see if I can book flights in order to leave here quite soon, maybe this weekend.
Teaching Buddha
Origionally we had thought it wise to stop meetings for now in WMC and Falmouth, but we've decided, for the time being, for those who would like to come together, we will do meetings this week and try and arrange the sittings so that people are more separated than usual and with plenty of ventilation (+ we might be able to sit outside).
But if you would prefer not to come we will do the teaching and discussion part online. So you could do the meditation at home and then join us at 6.15pm on Wednesday and 10.45am on Saturday.
To join online meetings you have to go to and download the Zoom file.
You can download to your computer (this would be best) and /or to your phone.
I will be sending the regulars a web link for the two meetings beforehand. When the time comes have your Zoom open and running and then click on the relevant link you will have received from me by email (note: I will be sending a first link for the Wednesday class and a second one for the Saturday class)
[If you have not been coming for a while but would like to join the Zoom meetings please email me and I will put you on the list]
So upcoming for this week we have:
Wednesday 18 March 5.30pm Dharma Evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth (or join us on Zoom at 6.15pm - see above)
Going through 5 steps to change from a calm abiding practice to an insight or wisdom practice
Saturday 21 March 10.00am Sangha Morning at Winters Medical Centre on Fort Road (or join us on Zoom at 10.45am)
Impermanence and last question and answer session
It's always best as a sangha to meet and meditate and practice together. But when you cant do that practicing at home and reading and reflecting is a good option. One good thing about Zoom is that it doesn't matter where you are, or where the teacher is, or other sangha members. You can all join in at the same time. So when and if I get to Ireland we can do online Zoom meetings every week. Yesterday we used this method and talked with sangha here as well as Lara in north Italy.
I was meant to be going to Montserrat on Thursday and doing teachings over two days there but that is not now possible: Antigua Coastguard will be intercepting any boats coming back from there. And I was to have been going to Trinidad at the end of the month but they've just closed their borders. I asked Rinpoche for his advice whether to stay here or go on retreat to my retreat house in Ireland and he's said that would be good. So I will see if I can book flights in order to leave here quite soon, maybe this weekend.
People have been saying that
the world is fed up with us, and many, many people all around
the world are unhappy with the direction we've been taking - not
caring enough about the world or for each other. So now, being
chastened and humbled by the virus, is a good time for us to
each resolve to do what we can do create a better world .
Please keep the practice and the precepts and keep safe and
Get in touch if you have any questions - email will be best for now.
With every good wish
Get in touch if you have any questions - email will be best for now.
With every good wish
Whenever and wherever one encounters
the arising and passing away of the mental-physical structure,
one enjoys bliss and delight,
[which lead on to] the deathless stage experienced by the wise. Shakyamuni
Dear Antigua Sangha and All 8 March 2020
Today is International
Women's Day 2020. Yesterday the last boat to be rowed across
the Atlantice came in, after many, many weeks at sea - very
short of food and water.
Arriving just before sunset
at English Harbour the two female rowers stepped ashore amidst
a very fine welcome and in very good spirits. The eldest, in
her 60s, the oldest woman to row across an ocean, counselled
us to follow our dreams and go ahead and make a start on them
now. Her younger partner said "Every day and every moment had
been wonderful". Such is the grateful heart that comes when we
are courageous and simplify our lives living moment by
moment. They were and are an inspiration to us all.
Soon after that, and under a
near full moon, a small goup of us spent time doing an
overnight sitting near Shirley Heights. We didnt last the
night, but I was able to guide two of the women who came to
the recent introductory classes in a simple way to deepen
their meditation from calm abiding (counting the breaths) to a
wisdom practice. They did well. I attach notes on that and
will go though it with people at our upcoming weekend retreat
- all are welcome to come to that.
So our planned events for this
coming fortnight:
Wednesday 11 March
5.30pm Dharma Evening
at Bodhicharya Meditation
Centre, Falmouth (you can
come 30 minutes early to
receive meditation
instruction / talk about
your practice). Meditation,
then another talk from
Rinchen based on Ringu
Tulku's excellent book
"Meeting challenges"
Saturday 14 March 10.00am Weekly sangha meeting for all at Winter's Medical Centre, Fort Road north of St.Johns Reading and discussion
Upcoming retreat - postponed from the origional planned weekend 14/15th of this month... now...
Saturday 28 March / Sunday 29 March. Weekend retreat at Rotten Hill. We may start Friday 27th if there is enough interest. It's okay to come for the beginning sessions only. Looking at the 10 stages of the path and going through how the attached teaching on how to change from a calm abiding practice to a wisdom one.
Evening view from Rotten Hill
to Sugar Loaf Hill - meant to
have been considered sacred by
the Arawak Indians who lived
round here
I have a flight to Trinidad the day after the weekend retreat.
We have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
Planning on travelling to Europe or to South America this year? - Ringu Tulku is scheduled to teach in Europe from April till August with a side trip to Argentina in May. See
With every good wish
Saturday 14 March 10.00am Weekly sangha meeting for all at Winter's Medical Centre, Fort Road north of St.Johns Reading and discussion
Upcoming retreat - postponed from the origional planned weekend 14/15th of this month... now...
Saturday 28 March / Sunday 29 March. Weekend retreat at Rotten Hill. We may start Friday 27th if there is enough interest. It's okay to come for the beginning sessions only. Looking at the 10 stages of the path and going through how the attached teaching on how to change from a calm abiding practice to a wisdom one.
I have a flight to Trinidad the day after the weekend retreat.
We have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
Planning on travelling to Europe or to South America this year? - Ringu Tulku is scheduled to teach in Europe from April till August with a side trip to Argentina in May. See
With every good wish
As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, her only child, even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings. Shakymuni
Dear Antigua Sangha, Newcomers and All 2 March 2020
I learned how to
meditate from a young American woman in 1970 who had
been living with a Hindu teacher. That was the first
year I came to the Caribbean. I managed to keep up the
practice, pretty much, though I was on the move a lot
over the next few years. But it was a further 8 years
before I met and trained under my first teacher, a
female zen master, Irmgard Shloegl. Such a happiness
to find a true teacher! And another 11 years before I
became a zen monk. And almost 20 years later before
Ringu Tulku accepted me as one of his monastic
disciples. In those days he looked like this....
That was about 12 years
ago. In all that time, like any practitioner, I've been
shown how to follow my teacher and how to trust in my
own heart. That way of finding and treading the path
becomes clearer and clearer through doing a daily
meditation practice. We have to give up doing it 'my
way' and give ourselves in to 'the great way', to the
heart. As a famous Chinese verse poem starts out:
"The Great
Way is not difficult
It only
avoids picking and choosing"
I attach the full poem.
When we are all rather fed up of what is coming out of
China it is good to remember one of their many marvelous
contributions to the world.
I feel I've been very
fortunate, having had very fine teachers, although of
course I can make no claims to great enlightenment at
all. But be very clear, teachers and teachings can save
you a lot of time if you 'take refuge in them' and
follow the way they point.
We all are fortunate in
this Caribbean sangha having Ringu Tulku as our main
teacher. And his main teaching is very simple and
accessable - whatever suffering or difficulties we have
comes from our own past unskilful thoughts, words and
deeds. That sounds a bit tough doesn't it? But it means
we can find freedom, liberation and the enlightened mind
if we persist - because there is nothing that can stop
If you would like to
find out more you can go to our blog or look at
his videos on youtube.
But the main thing is
to keep practicing your meditation every day, be
mindful, live without harming others and come to the
weekly sangha meetings if you can. And best of all
attend a day or weekend retreat where you can practice
for hours with others. We have one coming up.
So our planned events for this coming
Wednesday 4 March
5.30pm Dharma Evening
at Bodhicharya Meditation
Centre, Falmouth (you can come
30 minutes early to receive
meditation instruction / talk
about your practice). Meditation,
then another talk from Rinchen
based on Ringu Tulku's book
"Meeting challenges"
Saturday 7 March 10.00am Weekly sangha meeting for all at Winter's Medical Centre, Fort Road Reading and discussing more on Shantideva's work on the Bodhisattva life
All night sitting Near Shirley Heights. We will finalise the details during the morning class. It will be fine to come at the start and leave early. Full moon is on Monday 9th so it will be bright all night. At the moment it looks like there will be light winds, temperature 22 deg, and no rain. Some heavy clouds coming and going.
Saturday 14 March / Sunday 15 March. Weekend retreat at Rotten Hill. We may start Friday 13th if there is enough interest. It's okay to come for the Saturday only. Looking at the stages of the path.
We also have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
Planning on travelling to South Amereica this year? - Ringu Tulku is scheduled to teach in Argentina in May. See
Saturday 7 March 10.00am Weekly sangha meeting for all at Winter's Medical Centre, Fort Road Reading and discussing more on Shantideva's work on the Bodhisattva life
All night sitting Near Shirley Heights. We will finalise the details during the morning class. It will be fine to come at the start and leave early. Full moon is on Monday 9th so it will be bright all night. At the moment it looks like there will be light winds, temperature 22 deg, and no rain. Some heavy clouds coming and going.
Saturday 14 March / Sunday 15 March. Weekend retreat at Rotten Hill. We may start Friday 13th if there is enough interest. It's okay to come for the Saturday only. Looking at the stages of the path.
We also have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
Planning on travelling to South Amereica this year? - Ringu Tulku is scheduled to teach in Argentina in May. See
With every good wish
Few among people are those who cross to the farther shore. The rest, the bulk of people, only run up and down the hither bank. But those who act according to the perfectly taught Dhamma will cross the realm of Death, so difficult to cross. Shakyamuni
Dear Antigua Sangha,
Newcomers and All 17 February 2020
Meditation practice is
undertaken just to develop our awareness. That's all.
A modern Vietnamese
meditation master said:
is like the sun,
When it
shines on things they are transformed"
This perhaps gives an idea
of what is meant when enlightened people say that when we
transform our minds (using meditation, mindfulness or other
disciplines) they have a 'luminous' quality. Have you
experienced that at all - even for a moment? If so, it's
then it's not hard to understand what is meant by the phrase
"Precious human body". Our life is precious. But in order
to find this we must train ourselves, train our minds.
Our planned events for this week:
Wednesday 19 February
5.30pm Dharma
Evening at Bodhicharya
Meditation Centre, Falmouth (you can
come 30 minutes early to receive
meditation instruction / talk about
your practice). Meditation,
then a talk
Saturday 22 February 9.45 am Sixth and last of 6 the classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street.
Recap + questions / answers / discussion. Giving of certificates. How to continue practicing with a group here in Antigua.
(Please find attached the introductory course booklet).
11.00am Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum finishing at 11.30am
12.30pm Weekend Retreat starts at Rotten Hill. Please bring food to share. Finishing at 4pm. It's possible you can overnight at Rotten Hill
Reading and discussing more on Shantideva's chapter on 'Diligence'
Sunday 23 February 9am Second day of the Weekend Retreat. Please bring food to share. Finishing at 4pm
I was asked to talk more on 'Liberation on arising' but I did a talk on that at the beginning of the month. It was recorded and I can email to anyone interested [18megs .mp3]. Any other suggestions /requests? We will have one more retreat after this one sometime next month.
Please let us know if you would like come - and if so if you would like to overnight at Rotten Hill
We also have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
Planning on travelling to South Amereica? - Ringu Tulku, our main teacher, is teaching in Argentina in May. See
Would you like to buy a nice gong? The shop "306" on Heritage Quay has a variety in stock. There are some made in Nepal and they are the best singing bowls I've ever heard. A bit expensive though - prices start at $55US. But you can always go along and and try them out - make them sing :-)
Saturday 22 February 9.45 am Sixth and last of 6 the classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street.
Recap + questions / answers / discussion. Giving of certificates. How to continue practicing with a group here in Antigua.
(Please find attached the introductory course booklet).
11.00am Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum finishing at 11.30am
12.30pm Weekend Retreat starts at Rotten Hill. Please bring food to share. Finishing at 4pm. It's possible you can overnight at Rotten Hill
Reading and discussing more on Shantideva's chapter on 'Diligence'
Sunday 23 February 9am Second day of the Weekend Retreat. Please bring food to share. Finishing at 4pm
I was asked to talk more on 'Liberation on arising' but I did a talk on that at the beginning of the month. It was recorded and I can email to anyone interested [18megs .mp3]. Any other suggestions /requests? We will have one more retreat after this one sometime next month.
Please let us know if you would like come - and if so if you would like to overnight at Rotten Hill
We also have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
Planning on travelling to South Amereica? - Ringu Tulku, our main teacher, is teaching in Argentina in May. See
Would you like to buy a nice gong? The shop "306" on Heritage Quay has a variety in stock. There are some made in Nepal and they are the best singing bowls I've ever heard. A bit expensive though - prices start at $55US. But you can always go along and and try them out - make them sing :-)
With every good wish
The wise ones, ever meditative and steadfastly persevering, alone experience Nibbana, the incomparable freedom from bondage. Shakyamuni
Dear Antigua Sangha,
Newcomers and All 11 February 2020
When, nine years ago, a well
known abbot left his large monastery in north India and set
out, virtually penniless, to go on a long retreat without a
home or base he left behind a written message for his monks -
which starts:
"In parting, I would like
to give you one small piece of advice to keep in your heart.
You may have heard me say this before, but it is the key
point of the entire path, so it bears repeating. All that we
are looking for in life - all the happiness, contentment,
and peace of mind - is right here in the present moment. Our
very own awareness is itself fundamentally pure and good.
The only problem is that
we get so caught up in the ups and downs of life that we
don't take the time to pause and notice what we already
So upcoming, starting tomorrow we have...
Wednesday 12 February
5.30pm Dharma Evening
at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre,
Falmouth (you can come 30 minutes early
to receive meditation instruction / talk
about your practice). Meditation,
then a talk based on the Karma Kagyu
instructions for 'Tonglen' - a
meditation where we 'take on' the
suffering of others and offer back
Thursday 13 February 1.30pm Introduction to meditation for Cobbs Cross Primary School teachers. If you would like to help with this please let me know.
Saturday 15 February 9.45 am Fifth of 6 classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street.
Recap + learning a 'loving kindness practice'.
11.00am Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum
Reading and discussing more on Shantideva's chapter on 'Diligence'
And coming up the week after:
Saturday 22 and Sunday 23rd February. Weekend retreat which will start at Rotten Hill with shared lunch (after the morning classes in St.Johns) and finish on Sunday at 4pm Please let us know if you would like come - and if so if you would like to overnight at Rotten Hill
We also have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
Thursday 13 February 1.30pm Introduction to meditation for Cobbs Cross Primary School teachers. If you would like to help with this please let me know.
Saturday 15 February 9.45 am Fifth of 6 classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street.
Recap + learning a 'loving kindness practice'.
11.00am Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum
Reading and discussing more on Shantideva's chapter on 'Diligence'
And coming up the week after:
Saturday 22 and Sunday 23rd February. Weekend retreat which will start at Rotten Hill with shared lunch (after the morning classes in St.Johns) and finish on Sunday at 4pm Please let us know if you would like come - and if so if you would like to overnight at Rotten Hill
We also have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
With every good wish
Calm-abiding meditation is called in Sanscrit shamatha. It's
function is to calm the mind so it becomes more relaxed and stable. In a
way it is learning to relax, learning to be yourself, to be natural;
not so stressed and conditioned. you could say it's learning just to be. Learning how to relax and how to calm the mind is the basis of meditation.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Dear Antigua Sangha, Newcomers and All 4 February 2020
What do our hearts long for? I think it's very much the same for all of us. If we reflect on it - it's to be part of all that is. To belong to all and be appreciated, cared for and respected by all. But is this at all possible? According to the great meditators we only feel separate because we haven't yet found our true nature. And they say we can find it in this life if we follow the teachings and are willing to do the practice - perhaps for many years. The good news though is that even a beginning meditator might have glimpses of it (which he or she might even overlook - and so there are 'pointing out instructions'). So this is our practice, to become more able to see/feel this, and so help others to do the same. And in so doing we find a greater purpose and the 'noble happiness'.
So upcoming, starting tomorrow we have...
Wednesday 5 February 9am Meeting to discuss teaching primary school children in Cobbs Cross. If you would like to help with this, or in other schools, please let me know.
11am ZDK half hour radio program about our mindfulness practice with Alison Bramble 97.1 fm
5.30pm Dharma Evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth (you can come 30 minutes early to receive meditation instruction / talk about your practice). Meditation, then a talk based on a short teaching from the Soto Zen tradition explaining how to do insight meditation.
Thursday 6 February 10am Teaching 10 year olds at Island Academy (School)
Saturday 8 February 9.45 am Fourth of 6 classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street.
Recap and daily mindfulness practice.
11.00am Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum
And later this month:
Saturday 22 and Sunday 23rd February. Weekend retreat which will start at Rotten Hill with shared lunch (after the morning classes in St.Johns) and finish on Sunday at 4pm Please let us know if you would like to overnight at Rotten Hill
We also have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
11am ZDK half hour radio program about our mindfulness practice with Alison Bramble 97.1 fm
5.30pm Dharma Evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth (you can come 30 minutes early to receive meditation instruction / talk about your practice). Meditation, then a talk based on a short teaching from the Soto Zen tradition explaining how to do insight meditation.
Thursday 6 February 10am Teaching 10 year olds at Island Academy (School)
Saturday 8 February 9.45 am Fourth of 6 classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street.
Recap and daily mindfulness practice.
11.00am Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum
And later this month:
Saturday 22 and Sunday 23rd February. Weekend retreat which will start at Rotten Hill with shared lunch (after the morning classes in St.Johns) and finish on Sunday at 4pm Please let us know if you would like to overnight at Rotten Hill
We also have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
With every good wish
One is one's own protector,
one is one's own refuge.
Therefore, one should control oneself,
even as a trader controls a noble steed.
Antigua Sangha, Newcomers and All 29 January 2020
Last Saturday I read out a
short teaching by a well-known Tibetan Lama who is based in the
I thought those of you who
missed it might like it, and those who heard it might like to
see it in print (his English isn't perfect):
"Learning meditation is learning about you,
your own nature.
The subject is about your own mind
It's so important to know the mentality of
your own mind.
No matter if you believing it or not
You are religious or not religious
You are Christian, or you are Hindu
Or you are Science (based)
Or you are Black (or White) or Eastern or
Western matter.
To know your own mind is very, very
This teaching very much applies
to people starting practice....wondering what meditation is all
about. But it's still the focus for people who have even been
meditating for many years - to understand clearly what their
mind is, how it works, how to improve the way it usually works,
where it came from and what will happen to it after we die. This
is what enlightenment is all about.
So you could say that the
reason I'm here in Antigua is to help clarify that for
Antiguan's, and for Incomers as well as myself :-):-\ someone who's been
meditating for 50 years now.
So upcoming, starting today we have...
Wednesday 29 January 5.30pm Dharma
Evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre,
Falmouth (you can come 30 minutes early to
receive meditation instruction / talk about
your practice). Meditation
then a talk based on a teaching of Gampopa -
advice so you dont go off track in your
Thursday 30 January 2.00pm Half hour radio interview on Observer Radio 911 fm with David Payne (waiting for confirmation)
Saturday 1 February 9.45 am Third of 6 classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street. Recap and walking meditation.
Tell people and bring your friends (this is the last class it's okay for people to come for the first time)
11.00am Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum
Wednesday 5 February 5.30pm Dharma Evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth (you can come 30 minutes early to receive meditation instruction / talk about your practice).
We also have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
Thursday 30 January 2.00pm Half hour radio interview on Observer Radio 911 fm with David Payne (waiting for confirmation)
Saturday 1 February 9.45 am Third of 6 classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street. Recap and walking meditation.
Tell people and bring your friends (this is the last class it's okay for people to come for the first time)
11.00am Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum
Wednesday 5 February 5.30pm Dharma Evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth (you can come 30 minutes early to receive meditation instruction / talk about your practice).
We also have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you would like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
With every good wish
If for company you find a wise and prudent friend who leads a good life, you should, overcoming all impediments, keep their company joyously and mindfully. Shakyamuni
Dear Antigua Sangha,
Newcomers and All 21 January 2020
We might be really kind
and considerate at some times during the day, yet not be
behaving so well at other times - either outwardly or
inwardly (our thoughts). It can be a bit of a mix for
all of us. We can find sometimes we are real good,
sometimes we're real bad :-\
So it can seem strange
to hear that the nature of ourselves, of our hearts, is
wisdom and compassion. And that this is unchangeable.
But that is the
experience of long term meditators who have looked
deeply into themselves and seen the way things truely
Doing meditation for a
few days or weeks yields valuable benefits and we begin
to see the world and ourselves in a much better light.
But if we can keep it up for many years, even to the end
of our lives, we see ourselves and the world to be
somehow perfect, inseparable and continuous. So then
death is not the fearful thing it seemed to be.
You are welcome to come
along with friends on Saturday to the second of the new
introductory classes.
So upcoming, starting from tomorrow, we have...
Wednesday 22 January 5.30pm Dharma Evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth (you can come 30 minutes early to receive meditation instruction / talk about your practice). Meditation then talk on Gampopa's "The ten situations in which whatever is done is excellent"
Thursday 23 January 2.00pm Half hour radio interview on Observer Radio 911 fm with David Payne
Saturday 25 January 9.45 am Second of 6 classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street - tell people and bring your friends
11.00am Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum
So upcoming, starting from tomorrow, we have...
Wednesday 22 January 5.30pm Dharma Evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth (you can come 30 minutes early to receive meditation instruction / talk about your practice). Meditation then talk on Gampopa's "The ten situations in which whatever is done is excellent"
Thursday 23 January 2.00pm Half hour radio interview on Observer Radio 911 fm with David Payne
Saturday 25 January 9.45 am Second of 6 classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street - tell people and bring your friends
11.00am Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum
Sunday 26
January 9am Day retreat at Rotten Hill
finishing at 4pm
We have daily
meditation at Rotten Hill - email or phone me if you
would like to come - or to discuss your practice /
situation - or to get directions to meetings. My phone
is 721 6604 and I have whatsapp when near wifi.
With every good wish
Whose mind is like rock, steady, unmoved,
dispassionate for things that spark passion,
unangered by things that spark anger:
When one's mind is developed like this,
from where can there come suffering & stress?. Shakyamuni
Dear Antigua Sangha and
All 15 January 2020
When I first heard of the
precept 'Not to say that which is untrue,' sometimes rendered as
' I undertake the rule of training to refrain from lying' I
naturally thought it was to do with what we say to others. But
now I find more and more that 'being true' is more to do with
how I am with myself. If I am true to myself, then I accept
everything that arises in me whether it is some great kind
intention or some negative thought or feeling - e.g. a lack of
clarity, or a selfish wish or lack of confidence - whatever it
is. Meditation is the great key to seeing ourselves and then
letting go of unskillful habits. But it's still possible to
practice for many years and be repressing or not looking at our
negative sides. If we realise we are doing this to some extent
(as I have a number of times) it's a great opportunity for
making progress in our practice and in our lives.
We are doing what we can to
interest more people in the practice now. Yesterday I did a
half hour interview on VIBZ and the DJ 'Elements' has suggested
we do a weekly online discussion and phone in. Tomorrow I will
be talking with David Payne on Observer Radio.
Please come along with friends
on Saturday to the first of the new introductory classes (and
stay on for the regulars class).
So upcoming we have...
Wednesday 15 January 5.30pm Dharma Evening
at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth (you can come
30 minutes early to receive meditation instruction / talk
about your practice).
Thursday 16 January 3.00pm Half hour radio
interview on Observer Radio 911 fm
Saturday 18 January 10.00
am First of 6 classes of an Introductory Course in
Meditation at the A&B Musuem on Long Street - tell
people and bring your friends
Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum
Wednesday 22 January 5.30pm Dharma evening at
Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth (you
can come 30 minutes early to receive meditation
instruction / talk about your practice).
Saturday 25
January 10.00 am* Second
of 6 classes of an Introductory Course in Meditation
at the A&B Musuem on Long Street - tell people
and bring your friends
Weekly sangha meeting for regulars at the A&B Museum
Sunday 26 January 9am Day retreat at Rotten
Hill finishing at 4pm
*Please note - we may agree this Saturday to change
these times - so we may be starting and finishing a bit
earlier on the 25th and subsequent classes.
We have daily meditation at Rotten Hill - phone me if you would
like to come - or to discuss your practice / situation - or to
get directions to meetings. My phone is 721 6604 and I have
whatsapp when near wifi.
With every good wish
Think not lightly of evil, saying, "It will not come to me." Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the fool, gathering it little by little, fills oneself with evil. Shakyamuni
Dear Trinidad and Tobago Sangha and Everybody 1 January 2020
Wishing you a very happy and successful year.
The path we follow to find the 'noble happiness'
begins with right view:
In a way all of our practice is to establish this
right view, right seeing or, you could say,
staying with the pure and simple clarity. We come
more and more to see with the eyes of kindness and
understanding. If we develop this clear vision or
right view we begin to find our lives more
wonderful, more rewarding, more useful for
ourselves and a gift for those around us. Most
people do this to some extent - but without the
practice of right mindfulness or right meditation
so it doesn't affect them and others as deeply as
it could.
So, our 2020 practice of right view starts today :-) :-D
I should be in T&T around 1st April and will stay for 3 months. That should give time for many meetings and retreats. I'm also interested in developing the bodhisattva side of our practice more - so for me that includes working for a safer future (environmentally) , working for a safer future (crime wise - prisons &c) and working for a safer future (education of children - meditation classes). Perhaps you would like to help me this time with these areas or in other areas of concern you have.
If you have questions about the dharma or your practice you can email me or call me on 1 268 721 6604 - and I'm on WhatsApp if I'm near Wi-Fi
With every good wish for a happy and successful year ahead and many good meetings and practice sessions before I come down-island
Message from Ringu Tulku
And another new
year message from Mingyur Rinpoche (one of the
main teachers in our lineage):
Dear Trini Sangha and All 29 June 19
Julian has kindly agreed to carry on as the key sangha member in my absence and his email is - he will be sending out the next weekly email notice in a few days.
But he's away soon and will be travelling and seeing Ringu Tulku in Portugal. While he's away Ingrid has agreed to take over and her email is
I'm returning to England tomorrow but will be seeing Rinpoche (Ringu Tulku) in France next week. Then I'm hoping to go on a long retreat in Ireland returning to Antigua at year end and, if it works out like this year, returning to T&T on April fool's day.
With every good wish to you all
and with thoughts and prayers
- keep safe and well
Mind precedes all things;
mind is their chief, mind is their maker.
If one speaks or does a deed
with a mind that is pure within,
happiness then follows along
like a never departing shadow. Shakyamuni
Dear Trinis and All 26 June 19
I'd be happy to see anyone who would like to discuss their practice with me before I leave. You can phone up to fix a time (my whatsapp is working now when I'm in Glencoe 710 8413) or else email me.
So we have coming up:
Thursday 27 June 5pm T&Q A last question and answer session at Glencoe, followed by 6.30pm meditation
Saturday 29 June 2.30pm Seniors meeting at 'The Sangha' 6, Scott Street to agree a teaching schedule for the coming 9 months
3.00pm Regular Dharma Meeting at 'The Sangha' 6, Scott Street For this meeting please have ready any questions you may have about the teaching and the practice as this is the last time I'll be seeing you for perhaps 9 months.
Librarian - we have a new librarian Kasi Senge. We're fortunate to have him take over from David! So speak to him about borrowing books and please make use of our library and return books, videos and audios you borrow within 3 weeks. The library is still small so if you have any books &c you would like to donate please do.
We still have meditation daily at Glencoe at 6.30am and 6.30pm.
I will be at Piarco on Sunday catching a plane to England.
Keep safe and well
With thoughts and prayers
With best wishes
I'd be happy to see anyone who would like to discuss their practice with me before I leave. You can phone up to fix a time (my whatsapp is working now when I'm in Glencoe 710 8413) or else email me.
So we have coming up:
Thursday 27 June 5pm T&Q A last question and answer session at Glencoe, followed by 6.30pm meditation
Saturday 29 June 2.30pm Seniors meeting at 'The Sangha' 6, Scott Street to agree a teaching schedule for the coming 9 months
3.00pm Regular Dharma Meeting at 'The Sangha' 6, Scott Street For this meeting please have ready any questions you may have about the teaching and the practice as this is the last time I'll be seeing you for perhaps 9 months.
Librarian - we have a new librarian Kasi Senge. We're fortunate to have him take over from David! So speak to him about borrowing books and please make use of our library and return books, videos and audios you borrow within 3 weeks. The library is still small so if you have any books &c you would like to donate please do.
We still have meditation daily at Glencoe at 6.30am and 6.30pm.
I will be at Piarco on Sunday catching a plane to England.
Keep safe and well
With thoughts and prayers
With best wishes
This is to be done by one skilled in aims
who wants to break through to the state of peace:
Be capable, upright, & straightforward,
easy to instruct, gentle, & not conceited,
content & easy to support,
with few duties, living lightly,
with peaceful faculties, masterful,
modest, & no greed for supporters.
Do not do the slightest thing
Dear Trinis and All 18 June 2019
It's traditional in Buddhist countries to do a long retreat in the rainy season. Typically the monks would gather for 3 months during the monsoon period, find shelter and practice together. Well, here in Trinidad we seem to have reached the rainy season and have a 3 day retreat coming up! Not so long as is traditional but still time to deepen our training and understanding. On this retreat I would like to go through the wisdom practices. There will be time to try them out. And we will do a couple of flows as well (acupressure).
We've changed the weekly meeting the following weekend to the Saturday as I will be at Piarco on the Sunday catching a plane to England. For that meeting please have ready any questions you may have about the teaching and the practice as this is the last time I'll be seeing you for perhaps 9 months.
As well as that I'd be happy to see anyone who would liketo discuss their practice with me before I leave. You can phone up to fix a time (my whatsapp is working now when I'm in Glencoe 710 8413) or else email me.
So we have coming up:
Thursday 20th June 6.00pm Start of the Three Day Retreat (that means as well that there will be no questions and discussion over tea at Ingrid's here in Glencoe).
Sunday 23rd June 3.00pm Regular Dharma Meeting in Santa Cruz
5.00pm End of dharma meeting and end of the 3 day retreat.
Saturday 29th June 3.00pm Regular Dharma Meeting at 'The Sangha' 6, Scott Street
Arrangements for the retreat - the retreat will be held at Stollmeyer Estate House in Santa Cruz. If you would like to join please contact me. If you would like to stay overnight please contact Julian (phone 783 3791). Also speak to Julian about what food to bring to share. You can come for one, two or three days but please dont come on the Sunday if you are only coming for one day. Julian says bring swimming things if you would like to use the pool.
Librarian - can you help? We are looking for a new librarian as David Heeraman, who's done a very good job, is going to be expanding his business very soon and so will be short of time.
We still have meditation daily at Glencoe at 6.30am and 6.30pm - indoors now ; )
With best wishes
Impermanent are all compounded things.
When one perceives this with true insight,
then one becomes detached from suffering;
this is the path of purification. Shakyamuni
Dear Trinis and All 12 June 2019
We joined with the Princes Town corporation and had a good morning cleaning up Grand Chemin Beach and finished with a meditation period facing the sea. This was our first environmental activity as a sangha. Thanks to all who helped and especially to the Heeramans for their hospitality + a special mention for Nathoo for his event planning which went very well. Thanks one and all!
The following day we had our last introductory mindfulness class and photos were then taken and certificates given out ...
So this week we have coming up:
Thursday 13 June 5.00pm Q&T Informal questions and discussion over tea at Ingrid's in Glencoe.
Sunday 16 June 1.00pm Meditation and stories at 'The Sangha' 6 Scott Street, St. Clair*.
3.00pm Regular Dharma Meeting
We have meditation daily at Glencoe at 6.30am and 6.30pm.
The last weekend retreat I'll lead on this visit is is a 3 day retreat from 21rd to 23th June in Santa Cruz at the Stollmeyer Estate House. Please let me know if you would like to come.
With best wishes
*Please note we may be down the road at 15 Wainwright Street this time - 6 Scott Street is being renovated. But we will meet at 6 Scott Street beforehand
By doing evil, one defiles oneself;
by avoiding evil, one purifies oneself.
Purity and impurity depend upon oneself:
no one can purify another. Shakyamuni
Dear Trinis and All 5 June 2019
Today is the end of the Muslim month of prayer and fasting - a long period of cleansing or purification - "Eid".
This morning a sangha friend carried me up to the beautiful Blue Basin for a swim. You can swim under the waterfall and as it vigorously rains down on you there is a clear sense of being cleansed. On our way back we stopped near the Orisha shrines which are lower down by the river. A few texts are pinned up there in the shrines amongst the trees. The message is always the same, in all religions for all men in all times - "Take care of each other"
So in order to be able to more fully do this, this week we have coming up:
Thursday 6 June 5.00pm Q&T Informal questions and discussion over tea at Ingrid's in Glencoe. Please bring a mug
Friday 7 June 8.00am Beach Clean-up at Grand Chemin Beach, Marouga
Saturday 8 June 10.30am Last Introductory Class at 'The Sangha' 6 Scott Street, St. Clair. Giving of certificates.
Sunday 9 June 1.00pm Intermediate Meeting at Stollmeyer Estate House, Santa Cruz
3.00pm Regular Dharma Meeting at Stollmeyer Estate House, Santa Cruz
We have meditation daily at Glencoe at 6.30am and 6.30pm.
We are visiting PoS prison weekly. If you would like to join those who do this is a good time to let me know.
The last weekend retreat I'll lead on this visit is from 21rd to 23th June in Santa Cruz. I'm on-island till 30th June.
My phone is 710 8413. If you call me on whatsapp you might wonder what's up if I dont reply. It's not working all the time right now .
With best wishes
"So whatever negative emotion comes, you can learn to let it go, and then compassion comes, because compassion is the opposite of all negative emotions" Ringu Tulku Rinpoche
Dear Trini Sangha and All 29 May 2019
In an experiment at Yale University in 1961 volunteers were asked to give graded electric shocks to another person 'to speed up their rate of learning'. In fact, the experiment was to see how far people would go turning up the voltage if told they had to do it 'for the sake of science'.
When the student [actually a scientist acting the part of a student] was in another room, 65% of people eventually turned up the voltage to what might well have proved fatal - about 500 volts.
I think all the men I'm seeing in PoS prison at the moment are in for murder. And it's likely that many killings were gang related. So they would have been told they had to do it - and the outcome for disobedience would likely be considerably more severe than that the volunteers might think they would face in the Yale experiments.
We have to decide we want to keep the precepts and that we will keep them in pretty much any circumstances, no matter what others say or do. And we have to think ahead - see which way things are going.
When people stand up, even when their backs are against the wall, and say 'No', they become the timeless heroes and heroines of all mankind and can lead us away from what we're already dimly perceiving is a descent into darkness and towards the light - compassion, understanding and contentment......
Last weekend we had a good retreat in Toco which ended with mindful
swimming ; ) So this week we have coming up:
Saturday 1 June 10.30am 5th (of 6) Introductory Class at 'The Sangha' 6 Scott Street, St. Clair
Sunday 2 June 1pm Seniors Meeting at 'The Sangha', 6 Scott Street
3pm Regular Dharma Meeting at 'The Sangha' 6 Scott Street
Friday 7 June 8am Beach Clean-up at Grand Chemin Beach, Marouga
Details of the beach clean-up from Nathoo's letter to the local council:
"A pleasant day to you and the members of Council. We would
like a moment to introduce ourselves to the Princes Town
Corporation. We are Bodhicharya Caribbean with Branches in
Antigua and Trinidad. We are led by a Tibetan trained Buddhist
Monk who teaches meditation and is working in the Prison System
of Trinidad and Antigua with the inmates. In Antigua primary
school children are being taught meditation by this group. All
of this work is free for the Public Schools and Prison System.
Our purpose in writing is to have a beach clean up at Grand
Chemin Beach Marouga on 7th June, 2019. A discussion was held
via phone with Councillor Joseph for assistance with the garbage
collection and if anyone else in the community wants to
participate they are also welcome.
We are requesting the permission to use the beach facility
on this day as per the following agenda:
8:00 a.m. - Greetings from Bodhicharya - Open (PTRC &
8:15 a.m. - Work Plan
8:30 a.m. - Clean up begins
11:30 a.m. - Completion of clean up
12:00 p.m. - Lunch
1:00 p.m. - Meditation session
1:30 p.m. - End
Thanking you for your kind consideration,
Nathoo Heeraman for Bodhicharya Caribbean"
Please come along and join us for these meetings and for this - our first environmental project.
With every good wish
Nathoo Heeraman for Bodhicharya Caribbean"
Please come along and join us for these meetings and for this - our first environmental project.
With every good wish
If you hold yourself dear
then don't fetter yourself with evil,
for happiness isn't easily gained
by one who commits a wrong-doing. Shakyamuni
Dear Trini Sangha and All 22 May 2019
There is a very simple instruction for people who want to attain freedom from suffering - and that is just to listen carefully to all the sounds one hears around you, both day and night. It's said many people have attained liberation by this method. It's very simple but it can be a very excellent way to practice. It works because we are listening, not thinking or worrying or anything else. And also because we have to be aware of and in tune with our surroundings. I recommend this practice to all but especially to those coming on our upcoming weekend retreat.
So upcoming we have...
Friday 24 May 6.00pm Start of Weekend Retreat in Toco. The retreat finishes 4pm on Sunday.
Saturday 1 June 10.30am Fifth Introductory Class at 'The Sangha', 6 Scott Street [note: no class this Sat the 25th]
Sunday 2 June 1.00pm Meditation at 'The Sangha' 6 Scott Street
3.00pm Sangha Meeting
Note on the weekend Retreat at Toco ...... To be held at theToco Foundation Agro Tourism Centre' in Cumana
The retreat will start at 6pm on the Friday but you're welcome to come any time after 12 noon. There are 6 rooms available and Andy is giving us a generous 50% discount so they are $150TT per night per room. The rooms have a double and a single bed as well as adjoining bathrooms. There is a conference room where we will meet, a dining room and a big kitchen. The Centre is set in 7 acres of land and there is hiking and a river nearby as well as the sea - so bring your outdoor/swimming gear. The retreat will finish at 4pm on the Sunday, but if you wish you can stay a further night and leave on the Monday morning. Andy is providing a meal for us at 6pm on the Friday and Vidya and the Heeramans are providing all the other meals (which will be vegetarian - if you have special food needs please let me know: you might need to bring food and there are shops nearby). It's quiet there [' If you have any questions you can call Andy Noel on 494 0470].
Please contact me as soon as you can to book a place/places.
We will also have a weekend retreat in June - from 21st to 23rd at Santa Cruz.
And we have ongoing morning and evening meditation practice here in Glencoe by Ingrid Zangmo at 6am and 6pm daily, as well as a Q&A session every Thursday evening at 5pm.
My phone number is 710 8413
With every good wish
With all one's attachments cut,
with the heart's pining subdued,
calm and serene and happy is one,
for one has attained peace of mind. Shakyamuni
Dear Trini Sangha and All 15 May 2019
Tradition has it that the Buddha was born on the full moon day of May (about 2600 years ago), was enlightened on the full moon day of May ('Vesak' - 35 years later), and died on the full moon day of May (46 years later). And during the time of his teachings, 45 years, the monks would come together to recite their vows on the full moon and new moon days of the month. And they still do.
So Vesak 2019 is this Sunday coming. It's celebrated around the world with ceremonies, flowers and candles and if you would like to see a few photos of this click on this link
Two days ago this lotus, the symbol of enlightenment, flowered outside the apartment Ingrid has kindly provided for me (and her garden is where we meditate every day 6am and 6pm).
So if you are coming to 'The Sangha' on Sunday and would like to bring anything to celebrate Vesak with you please do
This week we have coming up...
Saturday 18 May 10.30am Fourth Introductory Class for Beginners at 'The Sangha' 6, Scott Street
Sunday 19 May 1.00pm Meditation at 'The Sangha' 6, Scott Street
3.00pm Regular Dharma Meeting at 'The Sangha' 6, Scott Street
Upcoming retreats:
Friday 24 May to Sunday 26 May Weekend Retreat at Toco at the 'Toco Foundation Agro Tourism Centre' in Cumana
Retreat details: The retreat will start at 6pm on the Friday but you're welcome to come any time after 12 noon. There are 6 rooms available and Andy is giving us a generous 50% discount so they are $150TT per night per room. The rooms have a double and a single bed as well as adjoining bathrooms. There is a conference room where we will meet, a dining room and a big kitchen. The Centre is set in 7 acres of land and there is hiking and a river nearby as well. It's quiet there The Heeramans are very kindly providing food for us all.
[' If you have any questions you can call Andy Noel on 494 0470. Please contact me as soon as you can to book a place/places.
We will also have a weekend retreat in June - from 21st to 23rd at Santa Cruz.
If you are interested in taking the refuges while I'm here please let me know.
It's said that on that full moon day 2600 years ago Gautama sat under a tree in Bodhgaya, north India, and was enlightened, attained nirvana, and became Shakyamuni, the sage of the Shakya clan, the Buddha.
Many followers of the path visit there at some time in their lives - the living tree being a descendant of the one he sat under. It's especially special for me as it's where I took vows with my lama, the head of our Bodhischarya sangha - Ringu Tulku
And yet we have to find our own sacred places at home or near home - and practice there - even here in Trinidad! And we can. This recent photo taken in our Northern Range
We have had our first meeting of an environmental group as part of our sangha. Our first project will be to clean up a beach in south - and have meditation and a meal there at the same time .
My phone number is 710 8413
Looking forward to seeing you soon
With best wishes
Whoever through desire, hate or fear,
Or ignorance should transgress the Dhamma,
All one's glory fades away
Like the moon during the waning half.
Whoever through desire, hate or fear,
Or ignorance never transgresses the Dhamma,
All one's glory ever increases
Like the moon during the waxing half.
Dear Trini Sangha and All 8 May 2019
Once we have food, shelter and health we may think "That's it. I'm okay now". And if you ever knew a time when you didn't have enough food &c this can seem a very fair position.
But for a good life we also have to attend to our minds. Do we want our mind / our life caught up with worries and fear, endless swirls of thought, not knowing who we are, where we came from, what this life is for? Because to live with such a mind is to be enveloped in dukkha, unhappiness, unsatisfactoriness or suffering 24 / 7
Fortunately for us Shakyamuni, an Indian/Nepali who lived centuries ago, was able to find the end of suffering as well as great wisdom and kindness. He passed on the teaching to others, explaining how to attain this state. And they in their turn passed it on to others, and so it eventually reached down to us. How fortunate we are to have the dharma here in Trinidad! If we choose to 'tread this path' to we too can find this serene and compassionate mind.
If you're not sure if it's worth the effort, study and reflect on the two pictures below...
The untrained mind (or heart/mind):
or would you prefer your mind, your life, day and night, to be more
like this....
So in order to help ourselves accomplish this we have coming up...
Saturday 11 May 10.30am Third Introductory Class for Beginners at 'The Sangha' 6, Scott Street
Sunday 12 May 1.30pm Second Intermediate Class at Stollmeyer Estate House, Santa Cruz
3.00pm Regular Dharma Meeting
Upcoming retreats:
Friday 24 May to Sunday 26 May Weekend Retreat at Toco at the 'Toco Foundation Agro Tourism Centre' in Cumana
Retreat details: The retreat will start at 6pm on the Friday but you're welcome to come any time after 12 noon. There are 6 rooms available and Andy is giving us a generous 50% discount so they are $150TT per night per room. The rooms have a double and a single bed as well as adjoining bathrooms. There is a conference room where we will meet, a dining room and a big kitchen. The Centre is set in 7 acres of land and there is hiking and a river nearby as well as the sea - so bring your outdoor/swimming gear. The retreat will finish at 4pm on the Sunday, but if you wish you can stay a further night and leave on the Monday morning. We will be bringing our own food to share but there are shops nearby. It's quiet there [' If you have any questions you can call Andy Noel on 494 0470. Please contact me as soon as you can to book a place/places.
We will also have a weekend retreat in June - from 21st to 23rd at Santa Cruz.
And we have ongoing morning and evening meditation practice here in Glencoe by Ingrid Zangmo at 6am and 6pm daily. My phone number is 710 8413
If you are interested in taking the refuges please let me know.
We have had our first meeting of an environmental group as part of our sangha. Our first project will be to clean up a beach in south - and have meditation and a meal there at the same time .
Looking forward to seeing you soon
With best wishes
"Happiness is the main object of our aspirations, whatever name we give it: deep satisfaction, serenity, accomplishment, wisdom, fortune, joy or inner peace, and however we try to seek it: creativity, justice, altruism, striving, completion of a plan or a piece of work" Matthieu Ricard
Dear Trini Sangha and All 1 May 2019
We can be so busy living our lives and dealing with all the arising jobs and problems that we forget our basic good fortune and miss what is important while we deal with everything else. So I'm attaching an article on that for your reflection.
May retreat
I've been here a month now and have two to go. Yesterday I was discussing with Julian and Marlene what retreats we could fit in before I go. For this month we are planning on a second weekend retreat at Stollmeyer Estate House in Santa Cruz. That will be 24 to 26 May. If you would like to come please let me know.
June retreat
For June, Andy has invited us to the centre he runs which is near Toco. It's said to be very quiet. Rooms are usually $300TT per night. There are 2 beds to each room. So it's a bit of a drive out and there is the extra cost involved but if you would like to be part of a retreat there please let me know asap.
An alternative / extra is 'The Anchorage' in Chagauramus which Marlene has invited us to for a day retreat. We can be outside near the water or go inside if it's hot as there is AC. So there is also a bit of a drive but it's a pleasant place for practice (we've done it before). We would plan though on a 7am start and a finish at 3pm so people can get home before the traffic builds up. Interested? Please let me know.
Upcoming this week
Saturday 4 May 10.30am 2nd Introductory Class at 'The Sangha' 6 Scott Street
Sunday 5 May 1pm Meditation at 'The Sangha' 6 Scott Street
3pm Regular Sangha Meeting at 6 Scott Street Talk / discussion on "The Three Refuges"
5pm First Environmental Meeting (a 15 minute meeting to decide on a project/projects - please come with ideas)
Note: We were to be in Santa Cruz this Sunday but that has been changed at Karen's request. The classes for 'Intermediates' will only be held at Stollmeyer E H so the next one will be Sunday 12th (I hope you're keeping up your 5 Tibetan Rites in the meantime ).
With best wishes to all
"Somehow, in the process of trying to deny that things are always changing, we lose our sense of the sacredness of life. We tend to forget that we are part of the natural scheme of things" Pema Chodron
world, our universe, has a kind nature. I'm not sure why this is but
it's the way it is. Or you could say it another way - that this mind,
our own mind, has a kind nature.
world we live in is a kind one, not a mean, indifferent or
unpredictable one. It's amazing really. It never stops for a moment
looking after us. Teaching us. Being kind to us.
our basic good fortune.
we act in accordance with its nature it teaches us, rewards us –
sooner or later happiness comes to us.
whenever we act selfishly it teaches us - sooner or later we come to
feel miserable.
Buddha's teaching was, in a line, “All things arise from a cause”.
And these things, these consequences, these effects, are, you could
say, the wake* caused by our own thoughts, words and deeds. These
things create the fabric of our lives today – good, bad or mixed -
smooth or rough.
universe is trying to teach us to have a pure heart, a unified heart
- because that's its nature. And our life's main job is to bring
ourselves into alignment with that nature.
hearts are naturally happy when we are true, when we are kind, when
we live a preceptual life (as Rinpoche says “With a little
discipline we can live a very comfortable life”).
if our life is a continual round of small selfish acts – maybe, for
instance, even taking something that is not given, not really ours,
and then having to lie a little to cover it, deceiving someone to get
'an advantage', then we are always a bit miserable, always feeling we
haven't really got enough, got what we really want, what we really
fact is, you might be able to deceive others for a while, you might
even be able to deceive yourself for a while, even for a long,long
while (especially if, by whatever means, you seem to be getting what
you want - or else perhaps, you're in the habit of insisting you're
always right) but in the end** you can't deceive your own
your own heart longs for oneness, for kindness.
heart wishes to be part of everything - its nature is to be
connected. And it doesn't like to be held back, concealed, separated
- to be kept apart. Like everything else it's part of everything -
limitless and kind^.
we've created a lot of karma in this life (and/or the lives before)
we can only perceive this interconnected nature - how things are -
very dimly. It can seem we've been up against it, up against others,
against the way things are, since we were very young. Other things
have usually been more 'in our face' - seemed more important -
causing us to continually react to them: we've run around the place
trying to avoid things/people we don't like and trying to be with
other things/people we do like.
for many, many years we've ignored what our hearts have been quietly
trying to tell us (for instance “Don't get into this, don't do
that. Help with this, help with that”).
thinking and feeling that we are unique separate beings we've been
forever seeking our own benefit. In so doing we've let our lives be
degraded by greed, hatred and ignorance. We've been continually
reacting to things - bouncing off things - like a pinball in a
pinball machine. And we've failed to do what's important - to listen
to our own heart, and to act in accordance with its 'still, small
meditate is to connect yourself to your own kind heart. It's perhaps
the easiest way in. We find that our heart/mind is clear and still.
A little joy arises. We can see more clearly what we've done. We can
hear more clearly the inner promptings, and act on them – and in so
doing we find ourselves becoming more and more in accordance with
the true and perfect nature of things. After a while, if we keep
going and going, we find we are those things, we are that nature^^.
all those around us are bought closer to their own true hearts –
even without any contriving on our part.
I think you can compare karma to the wake caused by a ship going
through the sea. You are the captain, you are steering the boat and
you are looking ahead of you to see what's coming - and choosing your
course. You're involved with that all the time. You don't
particularly look behind you to see the wake you're creating. The
waves extend outward from your ship and keep on going and going for
miles and miles. Naturally they will hit other ships and affect them.
because the visibility at the helm isn't always so great, you won't
always be able to see clearly which way to go. So, fearful, you will
naturally steer a zigzag course and may come back over your own wake
many,many times - perhaps wondering as you hit those waves and rock
from side to side “Why do I keep finding myself in these difficult
look back from time to time is to be reflective – to be able to see
the effect of our will on ourselves and on the wider world.
This clear seeing of ourselves and our lives will come sooner or
later however much we wish to turn away, to ignore it. It's said in
several religions that, just before death, one sees one's whole life
in review clearly and just as it was (rather than as we have been
claiming it was).
An idea - maybe the universe is, in part, kind because kindness
allows for things to be connected (well, yes, they already are - but
for us to see and know they are).
this kindness you can become one with all things.
Not separate from other things implies we don't really have a
separate self – our true nature is without one - is 'empty' of it.
his book “The essence of the Heart Sutra” the Dalai Lama defines
emptiness in this way:
teaching that all things are devoid of any absolute independent
Karma Sonam Rinchen
Dear Trini Sangha and All 25 April 2019
I hope you all had a good Easter weekend holiday. For those who didn't make it we had a good day retreat as well as a first 'Intermediate Level' class. I recorded two talks on the 'Precepts' and if anyone would like them let me know and I will send you the links.
Environment and future life on earth: I mentioned during the Sunday class I would be very happy if sangha members would like to set up their own environmental support group. The Karmapa sent out environmental guidelines to his Kagyu centres 10 years ago. I can forward these to anyone who is interested (note: following Ringu Tulku we are Kagyu school).
The Buddha pointed out to us how interdependent we all are with each other and all things. It was one of his main teachings.
The following is a quote from the Dalai Lama:
"Our ancestors viewed the world as rich and bountiful, which it is. Many people in the past also saw nature as inexhaustably sustainable, which we now know is the case only if we care for it. It is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past that resulted from ignorance. Today however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to the coming generations"
As for me, although I was thinking of taking a degree in environmental science almost 50 years ago and have kept up an interest/support ever since, it's only recently I've come to realise we cannot simply try and lobby for political change but each one of us has to make changes for themselves, otherwise change is unlikely to come and future generations will suffer - probably us too.
Our expectations are to have more and do more. But this is no longer a workable outlook for us all. We have to be willing to renounce even the luxuries we are used to. And of course renunciation is very much part of any spiritual path. So simplifying our lives can be helpful to us as well. And if we form a group and aim to help others, those born and those yet to be born, we will be living the bodhisattva life. If you would be interested in joining in please let me know (p.s. I'm already a member of a Trini environmental group and you may be too). Maybe we can do something ...
So upcoming this week we have:
Saturday 27 April 10.30am First class of Introductory Course at 'The Sangha' (see flier attached)
Sunday 28 April 1pm Meditation at 'The Sangha'
3pm Sangha Meeting at 'The Sangha' "Eight verses for training the mind"
As well as this we have daily meditation where I'm staying here by Ingrid in Glencoe at 6am and 6pm
My phone number is 710 8413
Apologies for such a long email
With best wishes
Dear Trinis and All 16 April 2019
With the public holidays this weekend we have a chance to spend more time as a sangha practicing together. So I hope you have free time and can come and join us.
So we are planning (all in Stollmeyer's Estate House in Santa Cruz):
Sunday 21 April 1.30pm First Intermediate Class We will start off this new series by studying and practicing physical skills conducive to our path of liberation through meditation - bows, Tibetan yoga and flows (acupressure). Please wear loose clothing and come with a yoga mat if you have one.
Sunday 21 April 3.00pm Regular Sangha Meeting Bassui's sermon on 'One Mind' This is a teaching from the Cha'an tradition, the third class I'm giving since returning (the first was Tibetan and the second Theravaden. This is from the Mahayana tradition)
Monday 22 April 6.00am and 9.00am starts for a Day Retreat Precepts and Vows finishing at 4pm
If you would like to come Sunday and Monday and would like to overnight please email Julian or phone him on 783 3791 and see if there's enough space for you. But if you will be coming from home it's fine to arrive at the later time of 9am. Either way please bring vegetarian food to share.
I'm hoping we can start an environmental group. Interested? Please let me know.
Upcoming we have a course of 6 classes for new people starting at 10.30am a week on Saturday (27th April) at 'The Sangha' 6, Scott Street. Please tell any friends who might be interested (you could forward on the attached flier). Karen has asked for more publicity material for this and asked me for a bio. I looked one up and you can read it here if you're interested...
Hoping to see you over the Easter - or if not wishing you a good holiday
"So whatever negative emotion comes, you can learn to let it go. And then compassion comes. Because compassion is the opposite of all these negative emotions"
Ringu Tulku from his book 'Radiance of the Heart'
Dear Trinis and All 10 April 2019
It was nice to meet with many of you again last Sunday, this time it's over a year since I was last here... as well as meet with a couple of new people.
I'm planning on having a full session during my 3 month visit this time. There will be a series of 6 introductory classes at 'The Sangha' on Scott Street starting Saturday 27 April at 10.30am. All welcome and of course bring a friend.
As usual the regular Sunday classes will alternate between the house on the Santa Cruz Road (on the road north out of San Juan) and Scott Street (below the Saddle Road and north of St.Clair).
For those who might be interested we will also be doing more advanced classes, 'Intermediate classes' every other Sunday at Stollmeyers in place of the extra meditation practice time. These classes will be for those who have been practicing for some time and if you would like to join please email, phone or text me 710 8413.
We will also be holding retreats, The first one will be a day one and will be this Easter Monday. Please let me know if you would like to come. If you are planning to come on Easter Sunday it will be possible to overnight.
I'll also be doing refuge ceremonies for those who would like to make this path their main direction in life. Interested? Please contact me.
And if there is concern for it I think it would be nice to have a sangha environmental group with activities based initially on the guidelines of the Karmapa, the Head of this Kagyu school of Buddhism. Antigua have already started doing this.
So coming up we have ...
Sunday 14 April 1pm Meditation; 3pm Dharma Meeting at 'The Sangha', 6 Scott Street. Talk on 'Obstructions'
Sunday 21 April 1.30pm First Intermediate Class; 3pm Regular Dharma Meeting at Stollymeyer Estate House, Santa Cruz
Monday 22 April 6am Day retreat at Stollmeyer House till 4pm (if you're not over-nighting it's fine to join us at 9am).
We also have daily meditation practice here by Ingrid in Glencoe and all are welcome to join us at 6am and then 6pm.
With best wishes to all
If you have a statue belonging to Bodhicharya Caribbean or any books out on loan please bring them on Sunday
"The purity of your motivation in
any relationship depends not on how closely related you
are but on your intention. This is how we can become
little bodhisattvas, little lamps, in our immediate
situations, and light up our own small island. We don’t
need to wait for a whole new karmic field to provide us
with a situation where we can actively function as a
bodhisattva. That might never happen. There’s a saying,
'As much as possible, with what you can see, with what you
can touch—if you can be effective in that field as a
bodhisattva, that’s where you will grow.'" Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche
Dear Trini Sangha and All 4 April 2019
I'm back on-island and happy to be here again. I'm staying by Ingrid Zangmo for the visit and we have started daily sittings in the front garden at 6am and 6pm. You are welcome to come and join us.
This Sunday we are meeting at Stollmeyer Estate House [on the Santa Cruz Road]. 1pm start for meditation or just come for the main sangha meeting at 3pm. We will be going through a teaching of Gampopa. If you want to discuss your practice I will see people during the early meditation periods.
During this 3 month visit I'll be offering an intermediate level series of classes and practices . For those who would like to join in with that please let me know. It will probably revolve around a separate weekly meeting together with day to day practices.
It would be nice to have a day retreat this Easter.. If you might be free and like to come please let me know.
And, starting toward the end of this month, I'll be doing a series of classes for new people - invite a friend if you think they might like to come. They will be held at Karen's Yoga Studio on Saturdays.
I have the same cell number 710 8413 - and even whatsapp these days
Looking forward to meeting you all and studying the dharma and practicing together again
With best wishes
O house-builder, you are seen!
You will not build this house again.
For your rafters are broken and your ridgepole shattered.
My mind has reached the Unconditioned;
I have attained the destruction of craving. Shakyamuni
This marvelous video gives us an idea of our place in the universe based on our present day understanding:
One is the quest for worldly gain,
and quite another is the path to Nibbana.
Clearly understanding this,
let not the monk, the disciple of the Buddha,
be carried away by worldly acclaim,
but develop detachment instead. Shakyamuni
Dear Antigua Sangha and All 11 March 2019
I've just two more weeks here in Antigua now before heading for Trinidad. There seems to be a whole lot planned for this time but if you would like to see me to discuss your practice before I go please get in touch. I may not be back for a year! This is partly because many sangha members here are very busy Jan to March so I'm thinking it might be better to come later next year. We can discuss this at the upcoming meetings but we do have Ven Jin ho coming again around August - September. We're hoping for 4 weeks,
So the upcoming schedule of meetings for this week is..
Wednesday 13 March 5.30pm Sangha evening at BMC, Falmouth Talking about the 'Paramitas'
Saturday 16 March 8.00am Two hour Introductory Class at BMC for Gender Affairs, Gov. Health Dept
10.00am Dharma Morning at Winter's Medical Centre Gampopa's teachings
11.30am Second meeting of our Environmental Group (please come if you are interested even if you missed the first meeting. We are looking for ideas for a project we might work on).
We are also teaching children in schools and inmates in prison this week. Next Wednesday I'm to give a class at the 'Youth Mental Health Conference' - we are expecting 120 teenagers - and, straight after that, sailing to Montserrat to give classes there.
Cheri and Dina came up with a proposal on Saturday that people could make a commitment to give to Bodhicharya Antigua on a monthly basis. This would be a great help to us. If you would like to, thank you so much, please print and fill out the attached form and give it to Cheri or Dina.
With best wishes to all
Little though one recites the sacred texts,
but puts the Teaching into practice,
forsaking lust, hatred, and delusion,
with true wisdom and emancipated mind,
clinging to nothing of this or any other world --
one indeed partakes of the blessings of a holy life.
Dear Antigua Sangha and All 4 March 2019
We had a good 4 day retreat - well it was three and
a half days in the end. We were joined by a Trini family, the
Heeramans, from the T&T sangha. Here is a pic of the work
meditation practice - we made some progress so that we now have
more sitting equipment available for all:
We had a good discussion on the afternoon of the
third day about the current environment projections for the next
few decades and how they impact on our Bodhisattva way. A
Bodhisattva works towards helping all beings. But if we think
just of that we might forget that that also implies we should help
to keep the environment we live in pleasant for all. If
conditions on earth worsen then helping others might well turn out
to be aiding them in very adverse conditions. Unfortunately it
seems, by almost all accounts, we are heading for a time when life
might be very uncomfortable for even billions of people living on
earth, as well as of course billions of animals. We felt that if
we are to avert bad times ahead everyone has to do something. So
we have decided to form an environmental group within the sangha
and the first meeting will be after the class this Saturday. If
you are interested in this way of helping others please be there
for that first meeting.
So coming up we have:
Wednesday 6 March 5.30pm Dharma evening at
Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth
Saturday 9 March 10.00am Sangha
Morning at Winter's Medical Centre off Fort Road
Just as rain breaks through an ill-thatched house, so passion penetrates an undeveloped mind. Shakyamuni
Dear Antiguan Sangha and All 25 February 2019
Our true nature, that is to say how and who we fundamentally are, is
very pure and kind. Perhaps surprisingly this natural state of ours
is not something that we have to achieve - for instance, by
repressing our negative urges. If we have the skills to practice
'the way' then this nature unfolds by itself.... marvelous and
clear. Very deeply touching. When this happens we feel we have at
last returned to the way we truely are and there is a feeling of joy
and completion that can make us weep. We have at last successfully
been able to carry out the work our heart has called us to do. It's
not the end of the path but now we can begin to understand phrases
like 'His/her life is the completion of meaning'.
This is the reason we do these practices for we've all acted selfishly many times in the past and the residue of those thoughts, words and deeds stays with us, year after year, obscuring our hearts. We have to learn to let go.
So this week coming up we have...
Wednesday 27 February 5.30pm Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth Doing a practice together to make our compassion appear
Friday 1 March to Monday 4 March Four day retreat at the Goodenough's, Rotten Hill.
No need to book in for the Wednesday evening meditation and class but if you would like to come for all or part of the four day retreat please let me know as soon as possible (please note there will be no Saturday meeting at WMC this weekend). This will be our main retreat for this year - come to it or part of it if you possibly can.
A Trini sangha family is coming to Antigua this Thursday and staying in Falmouth for a week. If you could offer hospitality in some way please let me know - a mother, father and 3 teenagers.
My mobiles are 721 6604 and 773 6625
I'm attaching some notes on Tonglen from Pema Chodron
This is the reason we do these practices for we've all acted selfishly many times in the past and the residue of those thoughts, words and deeds stays with us, year after year, obscuring our hearts. We have to learn to let go.
So this week coming up we have...
Wednesday 27 February 5.30pm Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth Doing a practice together to make our compassion appear
Friday 1 March to Monday 4 March Four day retreat at the Goodenough's, Rotten Hill.
No need to book in for the Wednesday evening meditation and class but if you would like to come for all or part of the four day retreat please let me know as soon as possible (please note there will be no Saturday meeting at WMC this weekend). This will be our main retreat for this year - come to it or part of it if you possibly can.
A Trini sangha family is coming to Antigua this Thursday and staying in Falmouth for a week. If you could offer hospitality in some way please let me know - a mother, father and 3 teenagers.
My mobiles are 721 6604 and 773 6625
I'm attaching some notes on Tonglen from Pema Chodron
With best wishes to all
Good is virtue until life's end, good is faith that is steadfast, good is the acquisition of wisdom, and good is the avoidance of evil. Shakyamuni
Dear Antigua Sangha and All 12 February 2019
I hope this finds you all well. We have the good fortune of having
a Swiss doctor here with us this week, Dr. Frank, a world renowned
alternative health practitioner, and his aim is to help people live
long and healthy lives. So his aim is similar to ours, and to that
of the Buddha.
Even so we should always keep in mind this verse of Shakyamuni:
Even so we should always keep in mind this verse of Shakyamuni:
Better it is to live one day virtuous and meditative than to live a hundred years immoral and uncontrolled.
I think in particular those of us who come from other countries to
the Caribbean can come with the idea of having a long life full of
all kinds of sensory pleasures and fun. No more cold weather for a
It seems to work for a year or two, or even a decade or two, but then the consequences of a self centred life can become more and more manifest and the means of covering them up both from ourselves and from others becomes more and more extreme until we can only connect with those who use the same alcohol/drugs as we do and are in the same predicament as ourselves.
The way of the Buddha is to forget the self. How strange this can sound when we first hear it! But how wonderful when, maybe after some years of training and practice, we find the self forgotten and a deep sense of happiness and rightness arises all by itself - a sense of the perfection of things just as they are - not restricted solely to the times when I get what I want. In fact in these years of training much happiness will have come from benefitting others.
We keep a daily schedule of these practices here in Antigua.
So coming up this week we have:
Wednesday 13 February 5.30pm at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth Meditation and a talk on Forgetting the self
Saturday 16 February 10am Sixth and last Introductory Class at the A&B Museum on Long Street, St. Johns. Recap of the whole course and the giving of certificates.
11.30am Class for Regulars. The six realms of being
I am seeing people individually to discuss their practice/daily life. If you would like to do this email or phone me [721 6604] to fix up a time. And please remember we have a 4 day retreat coming up 1st to 4th March. Let me know if you would like to attend
You might like this video of Rinpoche - 'The Lazy Lama'
In fact it's mainly about the 3 year retreat that was held 10 years ago at the Bodhicharya Meditation Centre in Sikkim.
If anyone would like to do a 3 year retreat please let me know
With best wishes
It seems to work for a year or two, or even a decade or two, but then the consequences of a self centred life can become more and more manifest and the means of covering them up both from ourselves and from others becomes more and more extreme until we can only connect with those who use the same alcohol/drugs as we do and are in the same predicament as ourselves.
The way of the Buddha is to forget the self. How strange this can sound when we first hear it! But how wonderful when, maybe after some years of training and practice, we find the self forgotten and a deep sense of happiness and rightness arises all by itself - a sense of the perfection of things just as they are - not restricted solely to the times when I get what I want. In fact in these years of training much happiness will have come from benefitting others.
We keep a daily schedule of these practices here in Antigua.
So coming up this week we have:
Wednesday 13 February 5.30pm at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth Meditation and a talk on Forgetting the self
Saturday 16 February 10am Sixth and last Introductory Class at the A&B Museum on Long Street, St. Johns. Recap of the whole course and the giving of certificates.
11.30am Class for Regulars. The six realms of being
I am seeing people individually to discuss their practice/daily life. If you would like to do this email or phone me [721 6604] to fix up a time. And please remember we have a 4 day retreat coming up 1st to 4th March. Let me know if you would like to attend
You might like this video of Rinpoche - 'The Lazy Lama'
In fact it's mainly about the 3 year retreat that was held 10 years ago at the Bodhicharya Meditation Centre in Sikkim.
If anyone would like to do a 3 year retreat please let me know
With best wishes
Better it is to live
one day virtuous and meditative
than to live a hundred years
immoral and uncontrolled. Shakymuni
Dear Antigua Sangha and All 30 January 2019
Last weekend we had a very good retreat starting on the Friday
evening - but also fitted in a 3rd introductory class at the
museum in town on the Saturday morning (see pic below) so with
the 6.30am start and the afternoon retreat time it was a nice
way to spend my birthday. The Trini sangha were meeting for
retreat at the same time - see second pic.
This week we have starting tonight...
Wednesday 30 January 5.30pm Dharma Evening at BMC Falmouth (we will be looking at 'habits').
Saturday 2 February 10am Fourth Inroductory Class for new people at the A&B Museum on Long Street (mindfulness)
11.30am Class for regulars at the museum (on regret and purificition).
The next retreat will be the main one for my visit and will be 4 days - Friday 1st March to Monday 4th March. I will also do one just before I leave on 29 to 31 March. I leave on 1st April. If you would like to come to either r both of these retreats please let me know.
I'm also planning on going up to St.Martin where a Tibetan lama is giving talks 22 to 24 February (expensive unless you ordain before then - but please contact me if you would like to attend).
With every good wish
Silent in body, silent in speech, silent in mind, without defilement, blessed with silence is the sage. One is truly washed of evil. Shakyamuni
Dear Antigua Sangha and Everybody 23 January 2019 I hope this finds you well. I just read an interesting article from a zen nun ( we used to call them female monks) saying that the quest for enlightenment is a male thing and that it's impossible to give anybody advice on how to do zazen (zen meditation) except explaining the posture and then a one line teaching on how to use the mind. She was saying after that it's simply up to the practitioner - and to time....
I couldn't help but smile when I was reading her article which I thought was pretty good. Nevertheless, as most of you know, the theme for my teaching for regulars this year is how to do the wisdom practices i.e. zazen, mahamudra &c. And we have a weekend retreat coming up when we will go into it again and do the practice - over and over....
So coming up this weekend we have, starting this evening:
Wednesday 23 January 5.30pm Sangha Evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre, Falmouth. (we will look at a writing from Russia)
Saturday 26 January 10am Third Introductory Class at the A&B Museum on Long Street ( still not too late for beginners to join us)
Saturday 26 January and Sunday 27 January Weekend Retreat this will actually start on Friday 25 January at 7pm for those who can make it to Rotten Hill.
For others you're welcome to come to the introductory class in townhe following morning or just come directly to Rotten Hill for 12.30pm (please bring food to share and we will start off with the meal).
Please let me know if you would like to come for the weekend retreat or have any questions. My phone number is 721 6604 and I'm even on 'whatsapp' these days!
With best wishes
In case you would like to read an article on the formation of the female sangha (2,600 years ago):
and then the one from the zen nun referred to above
One by one, little by little, moment by moment,
a wise one should remove one's own impurities,
as a smith removes dross from silver. Shakyamuni
Dear Antigua Sangha and All 16 January 2019 Last Saturday - our first introductory class at the museum was preceded by very heavy rain . Still, some people managed to make it through and we had a good class. So as I think there may be some who wanted to come but were held back by the weather, we will go over the first class as well as doing the second class this Saturday.
So if you know people who might still like to come, even for the first time, please let them know. And if you hung up any of our flyers please update them to say we will be start again from the beginning for this second class.
The same thing seems to happen in Trinidad quite regularly. When we have organised a first class and have a nice place and are well advertise we get sudden heavy torrential rain - so that if you were to park your car across the road and come over you would be totally drenched on arrival!
So this week starting from this evening we have:
Wednesday 16th January 5.30pm Sangha evening at Bodhicharya Meditation Centre Falmouth.
Saturday 19 January 10am Introductory class for new people at the A&B Museum on Long Street
11.30am regular class for Sangha members
Here's hoping for better weather
For details please call me 721 6604 (thanks to Katerin I have 'what's up' now) or Dina on 764 5594
I look forward to seeing you
Consort only with the good, come together with the good. To learn the teaching of the good gives wisdom like nothing else can. Shakyamuni