Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Message from Rinchen - February 08

Dear Sangha Members

I thought you might like this from a Tibetan lama, Lama Soga, who lives in a monastery near Kathmandu - I sent our recent group picture to him:

Hi dear Rinchen la, i am realy glad to see you and your students, i like very much. there are looks very simple nd nice, i am very well, thanks for ur mail nd nie picher, all the best from your old monk, take care Rinche la, say Hi to ur M.......

....well his English isn't 100% but we used to have some nice talks. He has a big heart.

So upcoming.....

Saturday 12 February 10am - Introductory talk at 26 Coblentz Avenue. Come along and bring a friend (and a chair or two if you can).

Sunday 13 February 5pm - Dharma evening - we will be studying the "Paramitas" or the "Perfections" - the qualities we need to develop to travel well on the path.

Please note: I will be away weekend 26th/27th February leading a retreat in Tobago.

Friday evening 4th March to Sunday evening 6th March - Weekend Retreat in Durga Devi's retreat house in the northern range (high up overlooking Maracas Bay).

This will be a great opportunity to do some concentrated meditation in quiet surroundings. We will as well do samu (work practice), play meditation and have dharma talks, discussions, reading periods and quiet times.

It's said to be essential if we want to deepen our practice to do a daily practice and at least one retreat a year.

There is room for 10 people in all. Men and women sleep in seperate areas. Fold out beds are provided but you will need your own sheets.

We will need to take all our food and drinks for the weekend. There is a small fridge. Please bring a change of clothing and if you would prefer to work outside during those periods please bring outdoor gear. Also bring your sitting equiment and toiletries (if you have no sitting equipment plase let me know and I'll find some for you.

Book up as early as you can by phone or email. The house rental will be about $2,400TT and you are also asked to make a donation (for monk and sangha).

If you have a dharma topic you would like discussed during the weekend please let me know.

For sale

At present we have books in Rinpoche's 'Lazy Lama' series as well as benches and zafus.

The house phone is now back working 625 3438. You can still reach me on my cell 710 8413.

With best wishes to all